The development of server-based systems and the growth and availability of quality networks and quality Internet have provided a new way to deliver applications. Thus, in recent years there have been many software services offerings. We understand that in many cases, installing the equipment (hardware) and hiring technicians to maintain the service associated with them can be onerous. With the possibility of online access available today, the implementation of any of our SaaS applications formats is an opportunity to access the benefits of the system with minimal technical or infrastructural involvement.

With the options we provide, we also offer the same systems that other companies buy to install in their premises, with a minimum fee.

Providing an application as a service solves a number of facets of the acquisition, use and maintenance of applications. Among the benefits we provide, we host the solutions, we provide monitoring applications, automatic report reception of errors and correction, daily backup system and data on all our basic settlement plans; plus additional options such as application´s modification and settings for a monthly fee. Our development team has access to all applications for changes and corrections, or to implement changes and / or improvements without stopping the services.

Our SaaS applications are installed on servers hosted in world-class data centers with very high security standards, and security measures with biometric control access, backup power batteries and diesel generators. We also have backups in different regions, and the possibility of reactivating them in a short time.